120 research outputs found

    String Landscape and the Standard Model of Particle Physics

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    In this paper we describe ideas about the string landscape, and how to relate it to the physics of the Standard Model of particle physics. First, we give a short status report about heterotic string compactifications. Then we focus on the statistics of D-brane models, on the problem of moduli stabilization, and finally on some attempts to derive a probability wave function in moduli space, which goes beyond the purely statistical count of string vacua.Comment: Contribution to the 11th. Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity in Berlin, July 2006}, new refs. added, typos correcte

    Supertranslations and Holography near the Horizon of Schwarzschild Black Holes

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    In this paper we review and discuss several aspects of supertranslations and their associated algebras at the horizon of a Schwarzschild black hole. We will compare two different approaches on horizon supertranslations, which were recently considered in separate publications. Furthermore we describe a possible holographic description of a Schwarzschild black hole in terms of a large N boundary theory, which accommodates the Goldstone bosons of the horizon supertranslations.Comment: 21 pages, replaced version contains some new references and corrected typo

    Gaugino Condensation in the Chiral and Linear Representation of the Dilaton

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    String effective theories with N=1 supersymmetry in four dimensions are subject of the discussion. Gaugino condensation in the chiral representation of the dilaton is reviewed in the truncated formalism in the UK(1)U_{K}(1)-superspace. Using the supersymmetric duality of the dilaton the same investigation is made in the linear representation of the dilaton. We show that for the simple case of one gaugino condensate the results concerning supersymmtry breaking are independent of the representation of the dilaton.Comment: 16 pagex, latex, no figure

    Branes, Waves and AdS Orbifolds

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    The embedding of a Taub-NUT space in the directions transverse to the world volume of branes describes branes at (spherical) orbifold singularities. Similarly, the embedding of a pp-wave in the brane world volume yields an AdS orbifold. In case of the D1-D5--brane system, the AdS3 orbifolds yields a BTZ black hole; as we will show, the same holds for D3-branes corresponding to AdS5. In addition we will show that the AdS orbifolds and the spherical orbifolds are U-dual to each other. However in contrast to spherical orbifolds the AdS orbifolds lead to a running coupling, which is in the IR inverse to the coupling of the spherical orbifold. A discussion of the general pp-wave solution in AdS space is added.Comment: 13 pages, replaced version: more refs. adde

    Consistent Compactification of Double Field Theory on Non-geometric Flux Backgrounds

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    In this paper, we construct non-trivial solutions to the 2D2D-dimensional field equations of Double Field Theory (DFT) by using a consistent Scherk-Schwarz ansatz. The ansatz identifies 2(Dd)2(D-d) internal directions with a twist UMNU^M{}_N which is directly connected to the covariant fluxes FABC\mathcal{F}_{ABC}. It exhibits 2(Dd)2(D-d) linear independent generalized Killing vectors KIJK_I{}^J and gives rise to a gauged supergravity in dd dimensions. We analyze the covariant fluxes and the corresponding gauged supergravity with a Minkowski vacuum. We calculate fluctuations around such vacua and show how they gives rise to massive scalars field and vectors field with a non-abelian gauge algebra. Because DFT is a background independent theory, these fields should directly correspond the string excitations in the corresponding background. For (Dd)=3(D-d)=3 we perform a complete scan of all allowed covariant fluxes and find two different kinds of backgrounds: the single and the double elliptic case. The later is not T-dual to a geometric background and cannot be transformed to a geometric setting by a field redefinition either. While this background fulfills the strong constraint, it is still consistent with the Killing vectors depending on the coordinates and the winding coordinates, thereby giving a non-geometric patching. This background can therefore not be described in Supergravity or Generalized Geometry.Comment: 44 pages, 3 tables, references added, typos correcte

    Black Hole Information and Thermodynamics

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    This SpringerBrief is based on a masters course on black hole thermodynamics and the black hole information problem taught by Dieter L\"ust during the summer term 2017 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\"at in Munich; it was written by Ward Vleeshouwers. It provides a short introduction to general relativity, which describes gravity in terms of the curvature of space-time, and examines the properties of black holes. These are central objects in general relativity which arise when sufficient energy is compressed into a finite volume, so that even light cannot escape its gravitational pull. We will see that black holes exhibit a profound connection with thermodynamic systems. Indeed, by quantizing a field theory on curved backgrounds, one can show that black holes emit thermal (Hawking) radiation, so that the connection with thermodynamics is more than a formal similarity. Hawking radiation gives rise to an apparent conflict between general relativity and quantum mechanics known as the black hole information problem. If a black hole formed from a pure quantum state evaporates to form thermal radiation, which is in a mixed state, then the unitarity postulate of quantum mechanics is violated. We will examine the black hole information problem, which has plagued the physics community for over four decades, and consider prominent examples of proposed solutions, in particular, the string theoretical construction of the Tangherlini black hole, and the infinite number of asymptotic symmetries given by BMS-transformations.Comment: Revised version with typos correcte

    T-duality, Quotients and Currents for Non-Geometric Closed Strings

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    We use the canonical description of T-duality as well as the formulation of T-duality in terms of chiral currents to investigate the geometric and non-geometric faces of closed string backgrounds originating from principal torus bundles with constant H-flux. Employing conformal field theory techniques, the non-commutative and non-associative structures among generalized coordinates in the so called Q-flux and R-flux backgrounds emerge by gauging the Abelian symmetries of an enlarged Rocek-Verlinde sigma-model and projecting the associated chiral currents of the enlarged theory to the T-dual coset models carrying non-geometric fluxes.Comment: 56 page